stroll, study, enjoy

Stroll-Eng with Veronika

Stroll-Eng with Veronika

Seaside churches of Saint Nicholas

2019. július 23. - Osztrogonácz Veronika

Have you noticed how many chapels and churches are named after Saint Nicholas next to the sea? It’s because he (yes, old Santa’s original inspiration) was the patron saint of sailors.

One of his miracles happened on the sea. A ship was caught in a storm, so it sailed to shallow waters. Unfortunately, it became grounded very soon. So the sailors prayed that bishop Nicholas would help them. He appeared to them, and navigated them to a port safely. The sailors went to find a church to pray and thank God for their escape. The church happened to be the cathedral which belonged to Bishop Nicholas. They recognised him, thanked him, and asked him how it was possible to save them from far away. The bishop replied that his belief in God made him see so clearly that he could see and hear those people in danger who called for his help. This was one of his early miracles.


(The photo is of the church of Saint Nicholas from Valletta, Malta)

shallow: not deep
grounded: when a ship is grounded, it is in the water, but its bottom touches rocks or ground
happen to be: by chance, it is

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