stroll, study, enjoy

Stroll-Eng with Veronika

Stroll-Eng with Veronika

Beginner Roman Route in the town of Krk

2019. augusztus 10. - Osztrogonácz Veronika

I wrote this tour for my elementary or pre-intermediate readers, so you will understand this if you studied about half or one year of English. It will guide you in the old-town and give you some information about the early history of the town of Krk. I used when I…



The Story of a Language Gone...

This post is about an ancient language of the Adriatic, which I discovered, when I was strolling in Krk. If you want to read about my stroll there (and why not?!) – head over to my other article via this link. The name of this language is Dalmatian, which is a curious word. Let’s not pretend – how…


Strolling between Baška and Vela Luka

This post is going to be about our greatest adventure on Krk island: our hike from Baška to Vela Luka (bay). I recorded the trail in my ViewRanger account (Veronika StrollEng). This was the very first time I used it, so it’s not perfect, but I’m sure you’ll get the point. Also, if I ever get back…


Stone walls in Croatia

Stone walls in Croatia When I was in Croatia last year, I noticed that there were numberless stone walls everywhere. We were on Pašman island then, but I saw the same on Krk, so I decided to read a little bit about them. Here’s what I found. Their names are suhodizi or gromace in Croatian, and the…


Üdvözöllek, itt olvashatsz egy kicsit rólam mint nyelvtanárról.

Szakmai tudásom: összesen nagyjából 10 nyelvet tanulgattam, épp olaszul tanulok 4 nyelvvizsgám van 30 éve "tanulok" angolul ELTÉ-n diplomáztam angol alkalmazott nyelvészetből és tanárságból  15 éve tanítok, főleg magán dolgoztam nyelviskolákban is, felkészítettem nyelvvizsgára is dolgoztam…

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